
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Granola Bars!

So when I had Zachariah, my friend Brigit brought over some very yummy homemade granola bars! They very quickly became our new "must have around" snack. So since then I make a batch of these a week...and yes that would be just for Ben and I! We love this recipe! (Thanks Brigit!) 
Anyways, with how much of these bars that we eat, I thought it might be a good idea to try to "healthy" them up a bit more! So, well at Costco the other day I came across this...
This is Ground Flaxseed!
Some call this the "most powerful plant seed on the planet"! It's packed full of  Omega3 Fatty Acids, "good fats"... As well as, Fiber and Lignans (antioxidants and phytoestrogens)
I came across this fun fact on the history of Flaxseed...
*Flaxseed was cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC, according to the Flax Council of Canada. By the 8th century, King Charlemagne believed so strongly in the health benefits of flaxseed that he passed laws requiring his subjects to consume it. Fast-forward 13 centuries, and some experts would say we have preliminary research to back up what Charlemagne suspected all those years ago.
Okay so, you are probably wondering what all this has to do with the yummy bars. Well, I read on the back that you can actually use this ground Flaxseed as a substitute for butter! But, mainly you can put this stuff in pretty much anything! I Love it! We now put it in our yogurt, use it for baking, add it to out Protien or Raw apple vinegar drinks. Anyways, haha, so I used alot of it in my bars (12 Tablespoons) to sub out some of the butter. I also eliminated most of the brown sugar, but added more honey. You can find the original recipe here
The result? The bars were a tad dryer than normal, but still very yummy and a bit healthier!!
Next time I would like to add some Natural Peanut butter, too hopefully add a little more of a gooey texture! Trust me, I am NO health expert...but I would like to slowly change my eating habits, because the end result is feeling awesome and having more energy. 
Bad Food can become somewhat of even an idol in our lives...and you won't realize it until you cut it completely out! My husband and I are on a "one (for him it's 2) sweet a week" diet, and boy is it harder than I thought. But I have noticed I feel so much better during the week! Remaining faithful to it is the challenge. The reason I say we are "slowly" changing our eating habits, is because it can become so overwhelming at times, the more research you do, on how to live a healthy life style. The more I read, the more it seems that just about everything has a little bit of something in it that is "bad" for you...So I am going to start small :) 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day!

I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day! A big huge thank you to every Veterans and all those serving right now! What a blessing to have such selfless people fighting for our Country!! We had a super fun day! I Love having Ben home, and holidays make for extra long weekends! It was extra awesome because yesterday was the 1st time Zachary slept through the night :) Which meant, we got to sleep in pretty late, had Breakfast for lunch and didn't get out the door till 2:30!! We had planned to get some packing done yesterday, but unfortunately...we still do not have a single box packed! I have some super awesome siblings who are gonna come over for a "help Becky pack/clean" Sleepover...I don't think they realize what they got themselves into lol. It will be fun...at least for me, to have some helpers. So Memorial Day...after we finally got out the door and into the 1000 degree weather, we headed to my Grandparents house for our 1st grill out party. Grandma had the yard packed with games to play like Crochet, bean toss and hillbilly golf... and a pool for the kiddos, water blasters and much more! It was a lot of fun, especially in doors where it was cool :)
The sad part about summer fun so far, is Ayden's fear of pools. He got sososo Hot at GG's (Great Grandmas), but wanted NOTHING to do with the water! My parents have two neighbors that let us all swim through the summer, and in the past it has been so much fun! I'm worried now that there may not be alot of fun beach and pool days this summer. Oh well, maybe he'll get so hot he caves :) I only snapped a few photos of my day, I have yet to get use to taking pictures more often!

At least he loves drinking water :)

After Grandmas, we headed out for our 2nd cook-out at our friends house. That was also fun! Thanks Beth and Tyson :) There we...actually scratch out the we and put Nate, Tyson and Ben went out and shot bows..then headed to their pond to spear innocent/gross fat frogs then roast them over the fire...just for fun. Boys will be boys...right :) I personally had a fun time last night, because We stayed out till around midnight playing games. Ayden had gone to sleep in another room, and Beth held Zachary till he was asleep...I almost felt like I did 3 years ago with no babies and it was just Ben and I :) Kinda fun...of course I love my little guys to no end...but I won't lie...it was fun :)
NOW, it's back to reality, and packing! Have a blessed day!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

SumMeR TiMe!

  So I know it is not officially Summer yet! But, it sure does feel like it, and we are loving it! Yesterday my sister Julie and her little man Isaiah, came over to catch some rays with us outside! We had a good time,as usual! I mean when sisters get together...it's pretty much always a good time :)
Speaking of sisters, I honestly do, consider myself sosos blessed to have 9 of them, as well as a few sister-in-laws that are just as fun to be around! Having 9 sisters is like having 9 best friends who already know the good, bad and the ugly stuff about you, but still love you! I am blessed!
  So anyways, we took the boys to a park and let them play together. We then took them to the pool, so that they could dip their feet in. It is quite a handful to watch a 1 year old running around a pool, and then have a 2month old hanging off your hip at the same time :) Auntie Julie had to offer a hand of help every now and then! Make sure you get out today to enjoy this beautiful weather! Be Blessed!!
Ayden and Isaiah thought it was funny to take  each others  hats off :)

                         My big baby Ayden (above)

Zachariah snoozing in the half shade. 
Isaiah showing off some abs, or lack there of :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012


So I have been talking about starting a blog for probably two years now. I got a special domain name, but still never found the time to blog. Now I have two precious little boys, and desire to blog all the more, especially since I do not have a Facebook! So I am going to give this a go, and see where the Lord takes it! So please be patient with me as I take small baby steps forwards! ~Becky