

July 25, 2012

So this week there has most defiantly been a "God" theme woven throughout each day.
I have had a pretty emotional week "spiritually". I tend to see all these issues around me then I let them bring me down, because all I want is to fix everything and everyone, then I get discouraged when I realize I CAN'T. I have had people very close to me slowly starting to make poor choices...start fading...seeming distant from life and what not. For me, I feel so blessed and want everyone else to be as happy inside as I feel, so I get super discouraged when they aren't. What bothers me most, is when you ask people, "so, how are you REALLY doing?" and they respond with, "great...how are you?" (when you Know they aren't)....I Love depth and truth!! I long for people to be real and honest with me! I think we as believers have such a potential for growth, IF we (including myself!) would just step out and become honest with our brothers and sisters in Christ! I need to do this myself. I want the ones around me to be able to trust me that when I say, "I'm doing great" they know I mean it, because I would tell them if I wasn't. So, anyways...to say the least I have been crying out to the Lord for wisdom, because when you are holding onto things that keep bringing you down....there is a huge chance you weren't meant to carry it in the first place! My Husband could see how much of a burden these issue were becoming to me, so he encouraged me with these words, "Maybe you aren't suppose to carry this burden, but God has made you aware of it so that you can PRAY for these people. And if you feel He wants to use you to speak into their lives, TRUST Him! He will set it all up in His perfect timing, and He will give you the perfect words to speak. You don't need to waste time thinking about what it is you're suppose to say to them...simply lay it down and trust Him"
Once he had spoke that to me, I had  felt this burden lift. It made so much sense to me, and he made it sound so simple. How cool it is to have a wonderful Creator who sits there just LONGING to have every single part of our heart and soul!!! I can almost just see Him, sweetly asking me, "Please...Trust me! I know the beginning from the end...I see the heart" I wish I could say..."and that's it..I put it in His hands, and haven't taken it back" because HONESTLY, putting it back in His hands, is a DAILY thing! I'm so blessed to have the chance to trust Jesus and then watch Him change lives, I don't want to take it for granted!! 

1 Peter 5:7 -Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

                          Psalms 55:22  Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never                permit the righteous to be moved.
                          Psalms 37:5  Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.

Thankyou Lord for Your promises!!

June, 2012

So both my husband and I Love getting David Wilkersons Daily Devotions! They are Full of meat and SO encouraging! I read this one today, and thought I would post it!! 
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012

by David Wilkerson
[May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011]

"Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? Yet my people have
forgotten me days without number" (Jeremiah 2:32).
I quote this passage whenever I miss my daily time of prayer because of
busyness. It always drives me back to the secret place, crying, "Oh, Lord, I
don't want to forget You!"

This verse is frightening when we consider the context of the passage. God is
saying to His people, "I planted you as a noble vine of sound and reliable
stock. You started right, you had My touch and I blessed you. But now you have
forsaken Me."

"Thy backslidings shall reprove thee . . . it is an evil thing and bitter, that
thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and that my fear is not in thee . . . How
canst thou say, I am not polluted? . . . For they have turned their back unto
me. . . . In vain have I smitten your children; they received no correction. .
. . My people have forgotten me days without number" (Jeremiah 2:19, 23, 27, 30
and 32).

God's people were no longer going to His house to worship Him. They had become
lazy and had forgotten all His blessings and judgments. They neglected Him for
days on end, pursuing their own pleasures and worst of all, they said, "I am
innocent . . . I have not sinned" (verse 35).

If you do not worship God with all your mind and heart, little by little
neglect will creep in and you will begin to worship merely out of habit. 

You say you love Jesus, so I must ask you: Do you worship Him daily, with all
your heart, with no distractions? Do you dig into the Word of God or do you go
for days without opening your Bible or praying to Him in your secret closet?

God will not allow you to sit in your seat anymore and let your mind wander. He
loves you and knows the power that pure worship releases in your spirit. It
makes you stronger than any lion, bigger than any giant. It pulls down every
stronghold because it makes you a pure-hearted, single-minded worshiper of Him!

May, 2012
While doing my devotions, I came across this story in Luke 4:16-30. It is where Jesus just got done reading from Isaiah while he was in the synagogue. People were touched and amazed at the words that came from His mouth. But then Jesus starts citing examples of when the people of Israel  rejected the prophets He sent them, so He sent them to other places, even to the Gentiles. 
So the crowd then becomes angry with Him and they want to kill Him. So in verse 29 it says, " And they rose up and drove him out of the town and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they could throw him down the cliff." 
They fully intended on Killing Jesus because He was no longer saying things they wanted to hear. 
But this is what got me, in verse 30 it  states, " But passing through their midst, he went away. 
It is pretty clear that what happened here was supernatural. Jesus had a "mob" surrounding Him. I can't think of a natural way you would be able to just "pass through" a mob!! But, it was not yet His time to die, so He was delivered supernaturally! 
What an awesome reminder of how Jesus's plans will prevail, and nothing and no one can stand in His way. When hard times come, what a peace we have in knowing that if something looks like it's about to happen (Jesus being thrown off a cliff to die), if it is not yet time for us to leave, or for that "thing" to befall us, Jesus will use whatever it takes (even the supernatural) to deliver His children! I am so glad that my life is in the hands of our Creator! We all know the popular "Proverbs 3:5-6" but it does seem fitting for this!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

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