
Weeks Highlight

My sweet youngest Zachary is now a big 4 month old! He Love
s sitting up (with help) LOVES being in his excersaucer, bumbo and holding onto toys! He's getting so big! He is a calm and concentrated little man! He watches the world around him very closely! 
Only an Angel sleeps this perfect ;)

Mommy's big 4 month old!
Ayden is 16 Months! Man, I could go on and on about him, because as they get older they gain so many talents and knowledge! He already has a very big vocabulary, but some of his new favorite words to say are, "happy" "yes" "potty" "go" "more" "Car" "hop hop"...He loves talking..I'm finding it funny that no matter where we are, he will always finding something that resembles a ball or bubble....haha

 He discovered how to climb :\  makes me nervous...but that means he is almost ready for a toddler bed...


So I have a highlight for this week...I have actually alot of highlights for this week, but one took place today that topped them all off! We headed up North today and over to Ludington! We LOVE ludington, and I had some family up there camping so we went to visit and enjoy up north. At one point we were all in my Grandparents camper trailer due to the rain that decided to pour in, and we were all snacking and chattin it up...when...I handed my baby Ayden a dried whole pea. I had tried one and they seemed like something he would enjoy, and it was healthy!! Next thing I know I looked at him as he started shoving his hands in his mouth in desperation. He was choking...I panicked...I know you are suppose to remain calm, but when I saw my baby trying to get a breath, and looking for me to save him...I just kept saying..." He's choking"! So my wonderful husband took him over his knee and started hitting his back. All of this was under a minute or 2, but it sure felt like eternity! He coughed up the cracker, along with some blood (not to much)...and then we all stepped back to regain our composure, as well as lower our blood pressure! 
When you have close calls, after the fact you realize how much you love that individual even more! I am so greatful that our every breath is in the Lord's hands, and that my babies are in His great Hands!! As he was choking and trying to breath, we were crying out to Jesus for His help, and He did show up!! Thank-you Lord! 

This weeks Highlight will have to be about my baby Zachary. He turned 2 months old on Wednesday the 23rd! 

Zachariah is growing so fast! He had his 2 Month check-up today, and is very healthy! Weighing in at a nice 13 Ibs and being 24in long...I think we have a football player coming up! Unfortunately he is fighting Thrush in his  diaper area, and after a week of treatment, there is no improvement...so now onto a heavier prescription! Zachary LOVES to smile!! I walked into the living room to find him smiling away at Big brother Ayden! So cute!! They will be best of buds for sure!! He rolled over at 2 weeks, and doesn't hesitate to push himself up to all fours when on his tummy! He is such a special blessing to us! Happy 2 months Zachariah!! I look forwards to watching him grow even more...it's only been 2 months, but his personality is already starting to show!

                 He was able to hold his head up pretty much on day one! 

Zachary already Loves his big brother!

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