
Our Adventures in Potty Training

   It has taken me a while to put something up on this page. My apologies...If you don't know me, you probably read this and were confused :) So I will explain this page to you as best as I can!

                                         How this idea started...

   The idea to start potty training when they are only months old, came from some ladies at my church, who were doing it. When I first heard of it, I thought they were crazy and thought, "how in the world do they (the baby) even know what they are doing at that age...seriously???) right??? Well, when my first one came along, I found myself a home (to be a stay at home mom). And with just one baby, you have a lot of extra time on your hands...So, I thought "why not give it a try". When my Ayden was 2 months old, I decided to start. I placed him on the toilet, and after only a few seconds, to my surprise HE WENT!! Then I began to do it more and more, placing him on and saying, "go potty" and sometimes he would go, and other times he wouldn't. But when he would go, I got so excited, I would send a text message out to all my family letting them know!! I found that the more consistent I was, the better he got at going on the potty.
   By 6 months it was going amazing! He would even keep his diaper dry through the night (every now and then). Also by 6 months he no longer would poop in his diaper (saving me TONS of diapers...as well as the grossness of changing them). I could only count a handful of times that he would poop in his diaper, from the time he was 6 months to 12 months.

                                                        All was going well, until...
Six days before Ayden turned a year old, I had are second little man, Zachariah. Ayden stayed with my parents for three days, while we were at the hospital. When we got home, they dropped him off. The poor little guy wasn't even a year yet, had been gone from mommy and daddy then to top it off he came home to someone else living in his spot. He was so overwhelmed. My little Ayden acted so different for around a month after he came back. I had never seen a toddler so stressed and confused. Along with all this stress, he pretty much through all he learned with potty training, out the window. He started pooping in his diaper 3 times a day (which I was NOT used to in the least way). When we would set him on the potty, he would REFUSE to go. Instead of getting on his case, and disciplining him, we knew he needed Love...LOTS of love. Every thing was WAY different now, and the last thing he wanted to worry about, was going on the potty. Honestly, at first it was hard for me to accept. To watch all of our hard work go down the drain (or so I thought). But, the Lord showed me that I had to be willing to focus on just loving the little guy FIRST. So Fast forwards 5 months from when baby Zachary was born...How is Ayden now...Well it has been a slow road, but he's getting better. Sadly he learned how to say "no". So when he doesn't want to sit on the potty, he will let you know (which is almost always). He still gets lazy alot, but the Lord is teaching me NOT to get frustrated, but to leave it in His hands. After having Zachary, I started a "treat" jar in the bathroom. When Ayden would keep his diaper dry or poop on the potty he would get a treat! That helped alot! He doesn't get lots of sweets throughout the day (almost none). So it is a huge thing, to him, to get an animal cracker :)

                                            Take Two...
When Zachary came along, I wanted to see if there would be a difference if I started him even earlier. Sooo, I put him on at 2 weeks! I was shocked when THE FIRST time I put him on, he went! So I started putting him on consistently! He started pooping on the potty only a few days after! I couldn't believe it. By 2 months, he would wake up from naps with dry diapers, and as soon as I put him on...he would go! Around 2/3 of his poopies are done on the potty! He has well exceeded my expectations! If I am consistent throughout the day, he would stay dry. But I am like any other mom of two little ones, and have lots to do throughout the day...so he does end up going in his diaper every now and then ;)  I'm not sure if he is doing so well because I started him earlier or not...but it seems to be clicking with him!

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